Friday, June 27, 2008

Email Marketing - Creating the Perfect Incentive Offer

If you are planning on building a list for your new internet business, one of the first things you will need to figure out is what your free offer (usually a free report or ebook) is going to be. In an ideal world, I would suggest writing this yourself. If your report is written in your own voice your subscribers will get a much stronger feel for who you are as a person and a much stronger bond will be developed.

That being said, if for any reason you do not wish to write the report yourself, You can easily hire someone to do it for you or purchase the private label rights to an ebook or report that is appropriate for your list.

The most important thing here - and I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record when it comes to this - is to CREATE VALUE. If your free report is just recycled junk, there is little hope of building any kind of real relationship with your list. Many people tend to think that giving away all of your valuable information will just deter a customer from purchasing. The opposite is true. If you can engage a persons mind, sense or emotions, they will generally want more of what you have to offer. It's the same reason companies offer free samples in grocery stores. It costs the companies money in the short term, but if the product is good, people will buy more down the line, in many cases, when they otherwise never would have.

Download my FREE report in which I share my secret strategies for Making Money Online.

If you are not making the kind of money you would like to be making online, go to and get the help you need!

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Affordable Web Hosting at Fan Web Hosting

Monday, June 16, 2008

How to Optimize My Website For Google

Optimizing your website for Google is a very good idea, after all they account for about 50% of all the search engine traffic online and that percentage continues to grow as more people come online. There are a couple of factors that you would need to keep in mind when optimizing your site for the super successful search engine.

The first thing you need to ask yourself is "what does the search engine want". They are looking to supply their clients with the content! So if you want to be properly optimized to enjoy targeted traffic in your niche, you want to have great and preferably unique content on your website.

The second factor you need to know is that Google also looks at how frequently your website is updated, they want to know that you update your website more than once a year. This factor is actually for your benefit as well. Think about it...if you update your website regularly your prospects will return to you time and time again. The more they return, the more likely they will respond to your offer.

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The last I will go over in this article would be your "backlinks". A backlink is simply your url that is placed on a website that is related to yours and the link is a clickable link. Google looks at these links as a good think and they help your website optimization of your website.

Optimizing your website is one of the best traffic generation strategies, mainly because the quality of traffic you will receive will be the most targeted. The only downfall to this method is that it can take some time to begin to see the results.

Another great way to see the same traffic results in as little as 48 hours is by using Content Marketing.

I wasted 17months trying to drive profitable traffic to my website, but you should not do the same. Instead click here to get a copy of my "Quality Traffic Report". In it I will show you my results after testing Content Marketing vs. Google pay per click, you can use the results to start driving profitable traffic to your website and also increase your opt-in rate. visit

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Affordable Web Hosting at Fan Web Hosting

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Strategies For Reciprocal Linking

Reciprocal linking strategies have been used by webmasters for a long time. This style of linking is still an important strategy and, when used properly, will increase the search engine rankings for your website. There are some unethical reciprocal linking strategies out there, but these should be avoided at all cost. Do not let yourself be drawn into any "quick fix approach" to marketing your website.

Reciprocal linking is like a joint enterprise between two or more websites. The basic premise is that you communicate with another website owner and agree to provide a link to his or her site, as long as they agree to link back to yours. The philosophy here is that, "if you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours".

There are essentially four strategies used for building reciprocal links.

1. The first method is the long way. With this first strategy, you send emails to the webmasters of any sites you are interested in linking with. The webmaster will either agree or disagree to do the exchange (or they may just ignore your email altogether). If the webmaster agrees, then you just exchange links and you are done.

2. Method 2 would involve using one of the many software programs out there which essentially semi-automate the reciprocal linking process. I certainly recommend the software method as it will save you a huge amount of time. Also, the software should be able to check that the links coming back to you from your partner sites remain active. If you had to continually check for active links manually, it would prove to be extremely time consuming. If a partner site link becomes inactive for some reason, then there is no benefit for you to remain linked to them. Remember that websites come and go, so you need to have a way to accurately monitor your exchanged links.

3. A third method involves purchasing reciprocal links (By the way, you can also purchase one way links). I would urge caution with this method. The search engine crawlers are becoming very clever these days. Search engines such as Google tend to frown upon purchased links.

4. A fourth strategy would include using a reciprocal link exchange service. These consist of networks of hundreds of webmasters with sites on a variety of topics. With these services, all the member websites involved will trade links with each other. The trouble here is that you will end up with a lot of unrelated reciprocal links. The search engines really don't like these services and they have sophisticated ways of detecting them.

One very important consideration when gathering reciprocal links is that you only want to hook up with sites that are related to yours. For instance, if your website is centered around affiliate marketing programs and you exchange a link with a web site on cake baking styles, then that link exchange is simply not relevant. If you start linking to unrelated sites, the search engines will consider this to be "link spamming". Do not link spam, as this will destroy your credibility in the long run and possibly get your site banned.

In summary then, reciprocal linking is still a good SEO strategy if done properly. It should be carried out in conjunction with other SEO marketing tactics such as one way linking, key word optimization, blogging and article marketing, just to name a few. Good luck with your reciprocal linking campaign.

I am a full time Paramedic and I live in Delta, British Columbia, Canada. I have a wonderful wife and 2 great young boys. In my spare time, I may be found flying, hiking, renovating our house or playing sports with the boys.

Check out my affiliate marketing website:

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Sunday, June 1, 2008

How To Own Google's Top Spots!

Ranking well on Google takes two things, good content and great links. But it's not an even split. Because Google assumes only a page with good content would get great inbound links it puts about 70% of the importance for ranking on links and only about 30% on content. That little tidbit alone will put you head and shoulders above all those competitors still messing with META tags and spamming keywords. But if you want a huge advantage over the rest of your competition, keep reading. I'm about to show you how the pros do it and win every time.

Part 1: Perfect Your Anchor Text

So just what is anchor text and why is it important? Anchor text is the clickable word or words that make up the hyperlink. You've seen anchor text a million times (the underlined words that are typically blue.) Google figures any words special enough to be used as a guide in a link are extra valuable, which makes anchor text extremely important for you to use properly.

Just how powerful is anchor text? More than most people dream. Try an experiment. Go to Google and search for "click here" (without quotes.) The top match for years has been a page for Adobe Acrobat Reader. So does that Adobe page have "click here" copied 50 times in the text? No. In fact "click here" does not even appear on the page a single time! Does it have "click here" embedded in its META tags. No; again, not even once.

So how can it possibly rank number 1 on Google for a term it never even references? Because of the thousands of Webpages that use "click here" as the anchor text linking to Adobe's free download of Acrobat Reader.

By the way, did you happen to notice how many pages Adobe beat out for a term they never optimized themselves for? Almost Two Billion! So yes, I have to say anchor text is extremely powerful.

Part 2: Build Linking Consistency

Most people don't realize that even though and lead to the same Wikipedia homepage, they are seen as two different links by Google. Let's take it a step further. If you keep the "www" and lose the "http" you have another link that goes to the same place but is treated as unique by Google.

All that said; be as consistent as possible when requesting links. Find one format and stick to it. One hundred inbound links to the exact same URL is much better than 25 links each, using four different URLs that lead to the same place.

Part 3: PageRank Leads to Page Rank

Google's PageRank algorithm can make or break your search engine optimization efforts and plays a big part in your eventual Webpage rankings. So PageRank and page rank? Here's a tip to end the confusion. When you see the single word "PageRank" it is referring to a trademarked name that Google owns. PageRank is a unit of measure that Google developed, and uses to determine the value of a Webpage. When you see the words "page rank" we are merely talking about how a Webpage ranks, or is positioned on a search engine for a given keyword.

So how does it work? A page with a GPR of 6 is considered very important by Google, while a page with a GPR of 0 is not so much. If you get links from pages with high GPRs you will build your own PageRank. If you get links from pages with no GPR, they can still help you but do not lend any additional PageRank credibility.

Higher GPR leads to more credibility with Google and possibly becoming what they consider to be an "authority" which can double your top placements, literally. To see what I mean, search for "cats" on Google (without quotes.) The number 1 match is and references furry little felines. The number 2 match is also from Wikipedia but is about a Broadway musical.

So what? Notice how that second match is indented? That means it was not meant to be number 2 and might have actually been number 10 or 16 or more. But since is what Google considers an authority, it gets little bumps like this. Pretty nice huh? And trust me, you don't have to be Wikipedia to become an authority. Everything you need is in this article. I've done it many times.

There are different ways to see a page's GPR. If you don't already have it, visit Google and download their "Google Toolbar." It will show you the GPR of any page on the Web.

Part 4: Use the Best Tools

Last but not least, SEO is like anything else, if you use the best tools for the job your results will be faster, better and longer lasting.

Back in the day, search engine optimization professionals and do it yourselfers had to do everything by hand. It took forever and one simple mistake could mean weeks of work down the drain. Today however, there are plenty of software tools to help get the job done in a faction of the time. Just find the BEST one for what you want to accomplish.

For our particular needs, were looking for an app than can help with linking and build our "authority" status and check ranking progress. Over the past six or so years I've used nearly a dozen pieces of software claiming to be the best. Some were pretty good. Others were a waste. The one I most often recommend to my SEO seminar students is SEO Elite ( because it gets amazing results and is one of the most affordable options at $167.

Even if you're not ready for a tool, you might want to check out the above link and go through some of the video tutorials. They show you how to find "authority" link partners, get special insights on anchor text and how to best spy on your competition.

That's it for now. Good luck and keep at it!

Michael Small is the founder of free SEO (search engine optimization) site and author of numerous search engine optimization books and white papers including the SEO Notebook.

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