Friday, June 27, 2008

Email Marketing - Creating the Perfect Incentive Offer

If you are planning on building a list for your new internet business, one of the first things you will need to figure out is what your free offer (usually a free report or ebook) is going to be. In an ideal world, I would suggest writing this yourself. If your report is written in your own voice your subscribers will get a much stronger feel for who you are as a person and a much stronger bond will be developed.

That being said, if for any reason you do not wish to write the report yourself, You can easily hire someone to do it for you or purchase the private label rights to an ebook or report that is appropriate for your list.

The most important thing here - and I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record when it comes to this - is to CREATE VALUE. If your free report is just recycled junk, there is little hope of building any kind of real relationship with your list. Many people tend to think that giving away all of your valuable information will just deter a customer from purchasing. The opposite is true. If you can engage a persons mind, sense or emotions, they will generally want more of what you have to offer. It's the same reason companies offer free samples in grocery stores. It costs the companies money in the short term, but if the product is good, people will buy more down the line, in many cases, when they otherwise never would have.

Download my FREE report in which I share my secret strategies for Making Money Online.

If you are not making the kind of money you would like to be making online, go to and get the help you need!

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