Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cheap SEO Services

We're headed for a recession (some would say we're already experiencing one, depending on where you are & what industry you're in) so you're likely to be looking for new ways to sustain & increase sales, and SEO is certainly a great way forward - the best way forward, in my experienced but of course biased opinion, for generating targeted traffic to websites.

Due to the financial climate, you're also likely to be watching your marketing budget very carefully - and as a result you will may well be looking for low cost SEO services.

While cheap is always preferential, especially in times like this when there is uncertainty & instability - the cheaper option is often not the best option, for a number of reasons, and this is especially true when it comes to SEO services.

Why Cheap SEO isn't the most effective SEO

  • Real SEO services are based on time & effort, as safe & effective SEO can not be automated - if it's cheap, it probably means it involves little actual human time.
  • If an SEO service does not involve much actual time & effort - then it may mean that simply very little work is being done, if any - or it may mean that short cut, automated tactics are being used - which at best could mean not much positive impact, but at worst could spell disaster!
  • SEO consultants & companies, offer a very valuable service - and earn well as a result of the value they provide. If a company can provide the valuable results that they're telling you they can - why would they offer them cheap?
SEO software by Web CEO

The truth is - you just cannot offer real, safe & effective SEO services at budget prices, as it involves a lot of time & effort - starting with keyword & market research, on page optimization, backlinking, quality content creation - all of these are parts of an effective SEO service, and they all take time & effort.

If you're being offered a cheap SEO service, what you're probably being offered is one of or a combination of the following :

  • Search Engine Submission Service. Many of the cheap SEO packages are just search engine submission services, they will use software to automatically submit your website to hundreds of search engines. Completely pointless. Firstly you only really need to be concerned about the major search engines, the other hundreds of obscure search engines are just not going to bring targeted traffic. Secondly, you do NOT need to submit your site to any search engine. Your website will end up being indexed via the backlinks that are gained for you by an SEO consultant, the better quality the backlink, the quicker your site is likely to be indexed on the major search engines.
  • Automated SEO services. These are risky, shortcut orientated approaches which will not work for long, if they work at all. they're risky because many search engines (especially Google) do not like cheats & shortcuts, and may penalise your website once they discover the shortcut being used - in some cases they will remove the website from the search engine completely!
  • Other quick fix cheats & shortcuts. There are many quite well known tricks & cheats that used to work slightly & temporarily. In most cases these shortcuts I'm referring to just aren't effective any more - but, this will not stop the search engines from penalising for it, or even de-indexing your website if they discover that you're using one of these tactics, which will be mentioned in the search engines terms of service.

If you spend £99 (for example) on SEO, this may seem cheap - and you may be under the impression "oh well it's only a hundred quid, worth a punt, if it doesn't work nothing lost" but this may not be the case. If a website that you have already spent hundreds, or even thousands (including taking into account your time & effort invested) ends up being penalised by the major search engines - or even de-indexed, then cheap SEO could work out to be very expensive indeed!

To find out how well you're currently doing on the searh engines, and to discover what you need to do with your website to get more organic search engine traffic - request a free SEO website appraisal

Kevin John Lewis is a professional search engine marketing / SEO Consultant.

Based in Cheshire, UK (Close to Manchester) - Kevin delivers effective SEO services and prides himself on the increases in the quantity & quality of search engine traffic that he achieves for his clients.

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How To Get Traffic For Your Internet Business Without Going Crazy!

As an internet based business owner, you can easily become a bit overwhelmed with the options and costs associated with gearing people toward your web sites and/or products. Advertising on the internet can be a very confusing, not to mention expensive adventure. There is potential for lots of failure at first, especially if you don't start out with a marketing plan.

When I first started my internet business, I was terribly afraid I would go in the wrong direction and waste unlimited amounts of time and money. To be perfectly honest, I did lose a small fortune while searching for ways to get my information out to people who would benefit from what I offer.My problem was...ZERO GAME PLAN! I went in too many different marketing directions all at once and I spent money where various guru's and guides told me to. In the end, I didn't see the profits coming in and I was completely confused about what was going on. My business and website both suffered.

Don't Make The Same Mistakes!

I'm going to show you how to start an online campaign to primarily focus on using your strengths while improving on your weaknesses. I will give you five different marketing strategies and your job is to re-rank the internet marketing techniques 1-5 with 1 being most able to succeed at - in the order that is right for you:

1) If you have the ability to express yourself through writing, you will have tons of success article writing, blogging, reviewing products, and ideally making money online through these efforts. While you probably won't see instant money by just blogging and article writing, your long term profits will be wonderful. If you are good at it, people will trust you. In turn, you will gear them towards products (i.e. e-books, programs, information packets, affiliate products, etc) that will advance your online earnings. #____ Web Hosting

2) Social marketing is where you use Facebook, Twitter, Squidoo, forums, etc. to post informative articles geared toward your product niche. You will then network with people by commenting, befriending, and sharing information. People viewing your 'pages' will increase and you can promote yourself and your product to them as you gain their trust.#_____

3) Classified online ads can further promote your internet based business. These are shorter, structured ads that are meant to quickly lure prospective visitors to your website. While there is very little writing involved, you must learn to use provocative, luring words to quickly capture people's attention so they click on your link instead of the other guys. #_____

4) Google AdWords is the mega giant of marketing. You have to pay for the traffic you get, but you have some control over how much you pay. You still need to focus on being able to produce quick, attention grabbing ads that will lure people to click on your link over the next guys. With AdWords, over classifieds, you have more exposure due to picking keywords where your ad will display. If you need help with keyword research, you can use Google's free keyword tool. AdWords is a going to get you traffic if used right, so check it out.#_____

5) Forums are ripe for the picking and they are usually free to join. You just need to look at the product you are selling and search for where your customers are hiding online. Most groups have a gathering place, or Forum. Just join the forum, create a signature with a link to your web site or affiliate, and join in the discussions. This is fun because you just have to talk to people and show you can help them in some way. People will get the sense that you know a lot about their interests and they will in turn click on your signature link. #_____

Just number the internet marketing strategy you like the most down to the least.

For the next week you are going to spend as much time as you can on learning how to develop your favorite strategy. For example, I love article marketing so I will spend the next week writing an article a day pointed to various niches in my market that I would like to impact. Once my 7 articles are done, I will submit them to an article directory like or and get them published.

Once your first week is over, review your successes and failures. Fix the failures and then try your second favorite internet marketing method. Just because you are now implementing marketing method 2, don't forget to continue doing method 1. For example, week 2 you focus on getting involved in forums. While doing so, take a quick break and write an article about an issue discussed in the forum. Now, you are advertising in multiple spots online and people are soon going to flock to your website for more information.

Don't feel like you will be spending endless hours advertising every day. I only spend about 2 hours a night writing articles and pursuing my marketing strategy. If you take your time and focus on the steps, you will increase your website visitor list and your business will boom. If you feel overwhelmed with method 3 on your list, go back to method 2 for a day. As long as you are doing 'something' you will see positive results.

Kirstin Filliez is an expert in sales and generates top dollars with innovative marketing techniques using simple internet profit generating systems. She'll teach you her secrets and you'll get exclusive bonuses when you sign up for her newsletter via this link:

Article Source:!&id=3047391

Thursday, October 1, 2009

The Easiest Proven Way to Make Money Online - Beginner's Guide

Maybe you have heard or seen people earn money on the internet, but for once in your life you have never earn a penny online. But you know that money can be made online. If so let me show you an easy to follow treasure map to how you can get started when it gets to making money online.

The main reason why most people are online is to seek for information, therefore before you can make money online you need to sell an information product. You do not need to create your own information product before you can make money online. But rather, you get get your own slice of the large "profit pie" of millions made annually from the information marketing empire by promoting other peoples product. This type of online business model is called affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is the number way to get started with internet entrepreneurship. It is a proven way of turning the skill you already have into millions. Even the most successful information marketers today start with affiliate marketing before proceeding to becoming a product owner.

Making Money Online Was Never So EASY!

Before you can get a piece of the action, you have to first of all sign up at sites know as affiliate centers. This websites provide the technology and platform for those that has product to make available for those that want to promote for a slice in profit. After signing up with them as their affiliate, they will provide a unique affiliate ID for you that you can use to promote any product listed in their marketplace. Examples of these website are ClickBank, amazon, commission juncktion etc.

The beauty of affiliate marketing is that;

1 It is free and easy to join.

2 You don't have any hassle with payment processors.

3 You take ownership of the product and promote with your whole heart as you would if you are the owner.

4 It offers you the privilege to make money by turning the skill you already have into millions.

5 Above it all you reap a significant share of the profit on each sales with less than half of the hassle.

Article Source:

P.S. - If you've been trying to make money online
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Monday, September 28, 2009

The Low Down On Internet Marketing

The difficult thing to understand about internet marketing is that this industry is huge. In fact, it is bigger than huge! There are millions of people who live and die with internet marketing because this is how they make their money. And when it comes down to it, a great internet marketer has the chance to really fill up their bank account. After all, the sheer number of people who use the internet on a daily basis gives anybody the chance to cash in on this way of doing things.

As a newbie, you may be wondering what internet marketing is, right? When it comes down to it, internet marketing is a way for you to get your website, product, or service in front of other people. Just like any type of marketing, your main goal is to eventually sell something in the end, or at the very least make money. The only difference is that with internet marketing you will be doing all of your work online.

For instance, one of the most popular internet marketing campaigns stems around buying advertisements on high traffic websites. The thought of doing this is quite simple. If a lot of people see your ad they will eventually head to your site. And if you offer something they like, they will stick around. If they do, it is safe to say that your internet marketing campaign was successful.

If you are having a hard time grasping this technique, you do not have to any further than the professionals who are sharing their secrets online. Seek out one of the many internet marketing sites or blogs, and then read as much as you can.

To make money with internet marketing you need to learn the ins and outs of the many techniques that the professionals use. Make the most of your learning experience. Once you have latched on to the knowledge of internet marketing find a great opportunity to make you money utilizing your learned internet marketing skills.

Friday, June 19, 2009

How to Earn Extra Cash Using Social Networking

Social networking can be an excellent way to not only increase the number of visitors you get to your site, but it can help improve your page rank and it can generate some serious extra cash into your business. Every day millions of people log into their social networking sites. It is been reported that social networking sites like FaceBook, MySpace, Twitter, and LinkedIn among many others see user numbers as high as 60-100 million people monthly.

That is a lot of people all gathering together on similar sites, so obviously it makes sense to find ways to cash in on such massive communities. There are already quite a lot of savvy business people making great profits from social media marketing. Let us look at some ways you can earn some extra cash from social networking.
Sign Up
Most of the people first impulse is to sign up for as many social networking sites as they can find, create a sales spiel and wait for the money to roll in. Obviously, this tactic is not going to work. Before signing up, take a little time to look around at some of these social networking sites. You will need to research a little into how they work and which ones are likely to be the best possible use for your time if you are going to create a proper market growth strategy.

There is a reason why this form of income generation is called social media marketing and it is all about being social and making friends. People do not want to hear your sales spiel about your great product. They join these sites to meet people who might have similar interests to theirs and they want to learn from people.

This means your profile needs to contain links to potentially helpful information and information about you as a person. Take a little time to describe yourself. It is fine to add in your particular area of expertise here, because once people begin to know you and trust you, they will want to ask questions and visit your sites. Remember to set your profile so that it can be viewed easily by everyone. You want them to take a look at who you are!

Make Friends
The point of social networking is to meet people who have similar interests to yours. When you are working on social media marketing, you will want to make friends with those people who show an interest in what your product is about.

With social marketing, you are developing a market development strategy here designed to bring more income into your business, but you still want to be seen as social and friendly. Join in, be helpful, and leave comments. People just love those who are givers, so give positive feedback and make sure you try to honestly help people with questions they have.

Even though your main priority is to make more sales and sell your products, you should not be actively trying to sell to anyone on a social networking site. People do not like to be sold to, but they will happily buy products from people they know and trust.

Be a part of the community. Join the forums and submit your own blog posts. Make your communications fun and light-hearted but above all else helpful. Your website link is already showing in your profile and you might even be able to add it to a signature line on some social forums. Once people begin to know who you are and appreciate your input into their community, they will automatically be drawn to check out your website. Once they have clicked and arrived at your site, it is up to your website sales page to convert those new people into sales that mean extra income into your business.

Social BookMarking
Social networking is a great opportunity to develop a serious global marketing strategy, especially when you add social bookmarking sites into your market growth strategy. Bookmarking sites like Digg, StumbleUpon and Delicious allow you to bookmark your own websites. You should add a keyword-specific tag to each bookmark that is an accurate reflection of your site product or topic.

Search engines seem to love bookmarking sites at the moment, so if your site or blog is bookmarked at a few of these by several people, you can be sure the search engines will notice. If you are keen to develop a truly global market strategy for your online business, then you cannot go far past social networking as a great way to draw traffic, make friends, and create a reputation for yourself and best of all is to earn extra cash from social networking along the way.

Author Resource:-> Nizam Shapie is an independent marketing consultant who provides an authoritative voice on marketing strategies and training. Did you find these tips on how to earn extra cash using social networking is useful?

You can find out more about how to earn extra cash at Newbie Cash System and get opportunity to becoming member of Webprosperity Dream Team now

Article From Article Emporium

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Using your Skills to Make Money Online

A lot of people are relentlessly searching on search engines with keywords like “How to make money online”, “Work from home” and all that. This just shows the demand for such freelance home based jobs. Making money online can either be an impossible task or just an easy one. It all depends on your approach in using the internet as a money making tool. Successful online money makers know exactly what they are doing and they plan for it. While the unsuccessful ones just do something and expect something to happen by itself. Earning money online is all about identifying your skills, focus, perseverance, patience and hard work.

Use your Skills - The best way to make money online is to use your existing skills. There is definitely something that you can do better than the others. You have to identify such skills and brush them up. You can sell any skill that others can use through the internet. It can be your skills in programming, design, writing, marketing, problem solving, or anything similar. You also have other ways of making money online like you can start a small website and add some content and relevant adsense ads. You can also make money by doing affiliate marketing for somebody else’s products on your website.

SEO software by Web CEO

Following are some of the skills that you can use to make money online:

Web designing skills - Those of you who are good in web designing can use it as a great way for making money online. As a freelance Web designer, you will save a lot in terms of the money you spend on conveyance to your workplace on a daily basis. Hence you will be in a position to sell your coding skills at a lesser price than those who are in regular web design jobs. Owing to the lesser cost, you will have a good demand for your work. Once you establish yourself and get a few loyal clients, there will be a regular inflow of work orders and income.

Design skills - If you are good at graphic designing, you can sell it via internet. This could be a wonderful way of making money online. The first step in finding a freelance graphic designing job is to get a mini website ready, to add your portfolio for others to see. This can be an easy way to get your prospective clients to know your abilities and achievements in graphic designing. You can also add some of the testimonials that you received from your previous clients to improve your credibility.

Content writing skill - Do you have the ability to write creatively on any thing and everything? If so, you can very well sell your content writing skill to make money online. All you need to have is a reasonable typing speed and a love for reading Internet content, along with the ability to frame interesting and grammatically correct sentences.

Data entry skills - If you are good at typing, you can think about doing data entry work. You can find data entry jobs at sites like getafreelancer, elance, rentacoder etc. You can also get hired as a freelance data entry operator for firms located anywhere on the globe. You can find jobs at job portals or by searching in search engines for freelance data entry jobs.

Author Resource:-> is a blog site that provides valuable information on blogging tips, online money making tips, tips on affiliate programs, Adsense and other such useful tips. The site also provides general information related to the latest developments in the world of Internet.

Article From Article Emporium

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Free Search Engine Optimization Online Tools

Free Search Engine Optimization OnliFree search engine optimization tools are the way to go for the do-it-yourself person who wants to get top 10 Website rankings on the major search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. Why purchase these Website optimization helps when they are free. You can spend hundreds of dollars to get your high rankings or you can use the many free SEO tools available online that will get the job done. Save your company or individual Internet business some money and try a few of the many complimentary online tools that are obtainable.

Free Website ranking online tools will take your Website to the Top on the Major Search Engines and this is all you will need to get your Website ranked in the top ten. You can purchase SEO ebooks and other Internet optimization services but from my experience these free tools will accomplish high rankings on the search engines. I'm telling you the truth that free Website ranking tools is all you need. Anyone can use these helps and achieve a high search engine position with a little effort.

How many free Website optimization tools will you need to perform the task of high rankings that will produce Internet traffic? It will only be necessary for you to use a few of these to get the high ranking you desire. Many of these free online optimization tools will give you detailed reports and free trial usage of ranking software. There are hundreds of complimentary online helps available so you will want the best ones that have positive feedback from previous customers.

These free SEO tools are all self-explanatory so that you can accomplish this work with ease. All of these tools come with online instructions in order for you to do each task correctly. Many of these free search engine optimization tools and software will have online help if you are unable to find your way to navigate through them. You will not even need to use all of these free SEO tools to get your Website ranked in the top ten, but only a few. You simply choose the tools you desire most and only use a few of them that will get the ranking you want.

Realistically you could find all of these free online SEO tools yourself but you may want to locate a good resource that has complied many of these tools into an ebook or online document to make it easier for you to use. Finding all of these resources will take many hours and days but the choice is yours. If you want an ebook or edocument that has over 100 free SEO tools then you will not have to look far to find free Website ranking tools. Explore the search engines and look for an expert in this field who has provided search engine optimization helps.

Bill Naugle Th. M. Expert by self-study in SEO with proven success. Information Technology Certifications: Microsoft (MCDST) and CIW Server Administrator. Home Internet Business Entrepreneur with marketing achievement. Writer of many articles, books and ebooks.

Article Source:

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