Wednesday, October 28, 2009

How To Get Traffic For Your Internet Business Without Going Crazy!

As an internet based business owner, you can easily become a bit overwhelmed with the options and costs associated with gearing people toward your web sites and/or products. Advertising on the internet can be a very confusing, not to mention expensive adventure. There is potential for lots of failure at first, especially if you don't start out with a marketing plan.

When I first started my internet business, I was terribly afraid I would go in the wrong direction and waste unlimited amounts of time and money. To be perfectly honest, I did lose a small fortune while searching for ways to get my information out to people who would benefit from what I offer.My problem was...ZERO GAME PLAN! I went in too many different marketing directions all at once and I spent money where various guru's and guides told me to. In the end, I didn't see the profits coming in and I was completely confused about what was going on. My business and website both suffered.

Don't Make The Same Mistakes!

I'm going to show you how to start an online campaign to primarily focus on using your strengths while improving on your weaknesses. I will give you five different marketing strategies and your job is to re-rank the internet marketing techniques 1-5 with 1 being most able to succeed at - in the order that is right for you:

1) If you have the ability to express yourself through writing, you will have tons of success article writing, blogging, reviewing products, and ideally making money online through these efforts. While you probably won't see instant money by just blogging and article writing, your long term profits will be wonderful. If you are good at it, people will trust you. In turn, you will gear them towards products (i.e. e-books, programs, information packets, affiliate products, etc) that will advance your online earnings. #____ Web Hosting

2) Social marketing is where you use Facebook, Twitter, Squidoo, forums, etc. to post informative articles geared toward your product niche. You will then network with people by commenting, befriending, and sharing information. People viewing your 'pages' will increase and you can promote yourself and your product to them as you gain their trust.#_____

3) Classified online ads can further promote your internet based business. These are shorter, structured ads that are meant to quickly lure prospective visitors to your website. While there is very little writing involved, you must learn to use provocative, luring words to quickly capture people's attention so they click on your link instead of the other guys. #_____

4) Google AdWords is the mega giant of marketing. You have to pay for the traffic you get, but you have some control over how much you pay. You still need to focus on being able to produce quick, attention grabbing ads that will lure people to click on your link over the next guys. With AdWords, over classifieds, you have more exposure due to picking keywords where your ad will display. If you need help with keyword research, you can use Google's free keyword tool. AdWords is a going to get you traffic if used right, so check it out.#_____

5) Forums are ripe for the picking and they are usually free to join. You just need to look at the product you are selling and search for where your customers are hiding online. Most groups have a gathering place, or Forum. Just join the forum, create a signature with a link to your web site or affiliate, and join in the discussions. This is fun because you just have to talk to people and show you can help them in some way. People will get the sense that you know a lot about their interests and they will in turn click on your signature link. #_____

Just number the internet marketing strategy you like the most down to the least.

For the next week you are going to spend as much time as you can on learning how to develop your favorite strategy. For example, I love article marketing so I will spend the next week writing an article a day pointed to various niches in my market that I would like to impact. Once my 7 articles are done, I will submit them to an article directory like or and get them published.

Once your first week is over, review your successes and failures. Fix the failures and then try your second favorite internet marketing method. Just because you are now implementing marketing method 2, don't forget to continue doing method 1. For example, week 2 you focus on getting involved in forums. While doing so, take a quick break and write an article about an issue discussed in the forum. Now, you are advertising in multiple spots online and people are soon going to flock to your website for more information.

Don't feel like you will be spending endless hours advertising every day. I only spend about 2 hours a night writing articles and pursuing my marketing strategy. If you take your time and focus on the steps, you will increase your website visitor list and your business will boom. If you feel overwhelmed with method 3 on your list, go back to method 2 for a day. As long as you are doing 'something' you will see positive results.

Kirstin Filliez is an expert in sales and generates top dollars with innovative marketing techniques using simple internet profit generating systems. She'll teach you her secrets and you'll get exclusive bonuses when you sign up for her newsletter via this link:

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